At Lac Hong University

Closing session of 9th AUN-QA Institutional Assessment

The 9th AUN-QA Assessment at Institutional Level Version 3.0 at LHU ended on the morning of June 14, 2024. Attending the closing session, on the AUN-QA assessment team side were Dr. Choltis Dhirathiti - Executive Director of AUN; Associate Professor Dr. Tan Kay Chuan - National University of Singapore - Lead Assessor; along with 10 experts from Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, Laos, Malaysia and Philippines.

On the LHU side, there were Dr. Do Thi Lan Dai - Chairwoman of the University Council; Dr. Lam Thanh Hien - Rector; members of the University Council, the Board of Rectors and leaders of affiliated units.

Chairwoman of the LHU Council Do Thi Lan Dai giving a speech to thank the AUN-QA assessment team

During the four working days, the AUN-QA assessment team surveyed and researched documents, self-assessment reports; inspected the evidence; worked with stakeholders: the University leaders; leaders of units, lecturers, students, staff, alumni, businesses; visited facilities; surveyed services and facilities to support training, scientific research and student activities.

Prof. Dr. Satria Bijaksana from Bandung Institute of Technology reporting preliminary results after 4 working days

During the session, the AUN-QA assessment team presented preliminary results mentioning strengths, potentials and aspects that need to be improved. The assessors recognized the LHU's efforts and strengths in management, facilities system, continuous improvement of training quality, students participating in many clubs, more experience and skills gained from domestic and foreign competitions. They also highly appreciated programs that have good connections with businesses, especially sponsorship and support for students' projects.  

Representatives of the University leaders giving thank-you letters and flowers to the AUN-QA Assessors and Secretariat

The set of AUN-QA standards Version 3.0. consists of 15 standards and 60 criteria, focusing on three main areas: strategic quality assurance, systematic quality assurance, and functional quality assurance. The Southeast Asia region currently has 8 educational institutions meeting the AUN-QA standards. Hopefully, LHU will be the 9th institution in the region and the first in Vietnam to meet the AUN-QA standards Version 3.0. Vietnam previously had 3 universities winning the AUN-QA standards Version 2.0, including VNU Hanoi University of Science recognised with the AUN-QA standards in January 2017; International University (VNUHCM) meeting the AUN-QA standards in November 2018; and University of Technology (VNUHCM) accredited by the AUN-QA in September 2017.

Through the application of 3.0 AUN-QA standards, LHU will increasingly improve its education quality and affirm its position in the ASEAN and international education community towards sustainable development.


LHU, AUN-QA Institutional Assessment, closing session

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